We don´t need to evolve

We don´t need to evolve

I´ve been studying more evolutionary theory recently, and how it applies to non-biological entities, such as buildings and businesses. This is the first of what will probably be a short series of blog posts providing new, or deeper insights into the application of...
New Recipe for Success

New Recipe for Success

In 2010, I published the Recipe for Success in Kanban – Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business. Ten years later, I´ve been rethinking my approach, and reacting to the poor advice I see from the Agile movement, obsessed with reorganizations, and...
Organizational Culture & the Kanban Maturity Model

Organizational Culture & the Kanban Maturity Model

We released our Organizational Culture poster as a companion for the Kanban Maturity Model release 1.2. The poster visualizes many of the concepts and guidance in the forthcoming 2nd edition of the book Kanban Maturity Model. Section 2 of the book is called Culture....